I bought this as a cheap experiment! We are air traveling this year! I packed my liquids in a ZipLock bag and it didn’t hold everything I wanted to carry! My toothpaste also tore the bag as I was trying to stuff it in!
Well, everything from the ZipLock, quart size bag fit inside this bag with room left over! So, I was able to add the additional liquid that I needed. Furthermore, I was able to add a couple more 8ml travel sized cologne bottles!
I am quite pleased with the size! Oh, yes, the bag has a plastic smell to it! I don’t care! It is typical!
I’m not sure about the longevity and durability of these bags. Seems sturdy enough! If it makes it a couple of trips, it is worth it - to me!
Not sure about TSA yet! I’ll find out in 2 weeks! I don’t think that there should be a problem!
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